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- Cody J. Sherer
The Tomes Of Magic Page 2
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“The rumors are quite rampant about what we might find in the caverns. I need both of you to be at your best,” the Warlock’s face was like stone as he spoke.
“We must hurry, there is much that needs to be discussed. The past few months have changed many things on Canai,” Thanos grabbed Septimus’ arm as he spoke.
“Understood, we will find a safe place within the caverns and then we will discuss.”
Warlord Leoth slammed his fist against the table in a fit of rage. The magic dampening shackles that sat on the table in front of him only furthered the insult of losing the magic user. It was the first time that a magician had successfully escaped from his grasp. The Warlord stood up, his massive frame towering over all those gathered. He grabbed hold of his oversized hammer and raised it above his head. His grip tightened as he let out a roar and swung the hammer with all his might. It came down directly on the shackles and crashed through the table they rested on. He lifted the hammer above his head a second time as the restraints clattered to the floor. His anger was unquenchable as he delivered blow after blow to the shackles. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and threw his long black hair over his shoulder. As he knelt down to examine the damage, he sighed deeply.
“How does a puny magician escape these?” He asked as he held up the still intact shackles.
“There were two others that assisted him, my dearest,” the warlord’s wife ran her fingers along his muscled back. Her presence brought an immediate calm to the warlord. Though small in comparison to Leoth, Cassandra was tall and strong. She took pride in being strong enough to join her husband in battle when the need arose. Her long black hair matched his in length, though her stern features often made others wish to deal with him instead. Leoth let his hammer drop to the floor as he stood up and turned to face his wife. Those gathered began to slowly creep out of the room, but both Leoth and Cassandra held up a hand to stop them. The warlord took his wife in his arms and lifted her off the ground. He gently placed her on her throne and took his seat next to her. She cleared her throat and waited for the first of the eyewitnesses to step forward.
“Your majesties, I was there for the whole thing. You see, there were three of them, perhaps more. It all happened so fast, you know. One minute, Executioner Redick was riling up the crowd and the next minute a robed man overpowered him with a single flick of the wrist. The man we caught was strong, no doubt, but his rescuer was something else. There was a power that emanated off the man. My words do not truly do the tale justice,” both Leoth and Cassandra recognized the man speaking. He was one of the few merchants that traveled from the mainland to Valorian Isles.
“It is a start. Does anyone else have something to add?” Cassandra looked out at the others who were gathered in the Hall of the Warlord.
“The robed man was in the crowd one moment and then on the platform the next. His accomplices did not seem to have the same power that he did. It was he who freed the man of his restraints. He is the one you want to look for,” a female mercenary named Kaylin stepped forward and spoke.
“We need to know what they are plotting,” Leoth said as he rose from his chair.
It had been nearly fifty years since a true magician had visited the isles. The majority of the warlords of the Valorian Isles had positive past dealings with magic users. However, the last visit had put them all on edge. The great Wizard, Tyvar, nearly destroyed all of the warlords. His actions led to the banning of most forms of magic within the Valorian Isles. Leoth paced back and forth as he thought of ideas for getting the magicians to assist them. Even a temporary alliance would be enough to tip the scales of power in my favor, he thought as he finally sat back down. The warlord looked up at those gathered before him. His eyes narrowed and the guards instinctively knew to escort the others out of the Hall of the Warlord. Cassandra took his hand in hers as they both stood up from their thrones. The once splendorous hall was now collecting dust. Tables and chairs were strewn about as though no one cared. It had been this way for more than a week, but Leoth didn’t want to waste resources on cleaning the area. The bigger problem was that, even in tip-top condition, the hall no longer drew loyalty as it once did.
“Perhaps an alliance would be beneficial,” Leoth said as he glanced around the room.
“You truly think we need it?” Cassandra asked.
“Each day our enemies grow in number. Our ways are no longer accepted by the populace. The youth grow impatient of our warmongering. It is hard to swallow, but the days of the warlords might be coming to an end.”
“You knew that would be true when we married, my dearest. My experience outside of the Valorian Isles was part of what drew you to me. We shall make a decree, the days of petty fighting are over. No longer shall there be several claims for kingship of the islands. You shall be the first Emperor of the Valorian Isles.”
Cassandra’s willingness to push for more power took Leoth by surprise. He knew that his wife was ambitious, but she had never let her ideas influence his ruling style. Her upbringing on Talrania gave her a better understanding of the intrigue that went along with politics. The warlord thought about it as they walked. If he were to become Emperor, he could choose one of his current rivals as the King and focus on more pressing matters. It seemed to be an excellent idea, but Leoth knew his opponents would not like the idea. Would they be able to put aside their differences and focus on me? he wondered as he followed his wife out into the cool night air. These magicians were still out there on his island, that would be his first matter to deal with. The other warlords could be dealt with after he solidified his plan for what to do with the magic users.
Talia watched as Septimus and Thanos entered the cave in front of her. The Archwizard raised his hand and a ball of light appeared not far above his head. It hovered a few feet in front of him and moved when he did. Even though it annoyed her that the two thought she needed to be protected while they “scouted ahead”, she did find it comforting to have two powerful magicians on her side. Though the two had rarely worked together, it seemed as if they knew exactly what the other was about to do. Septimus ducked down and thrust his staff forward, shooting a ball of ice out into the darkness. Thanos rushed forward and pulled his glove off his skeletal right hand. The skeletal hand shot forward and grabbed hold of one of the orcs as the ball of ice slammed into another. His hand dug into the orc’s shoulder and began sapping the life out of the foul creature. It screamed in pain and thrashed about as he held his grip. The flesh around the hand began to decay and quickly spread to the rest of the body. Septimus had already moved past Thanos and was launching fireballs at the remaining orcs. The power of the spells not only forced the orcs to retreat, but also caused a small cave in.
“I hope you did that on purpose,” Talia said as she joined them at the end of the cave.
“It was a split-second decision, but ultimately yes,” Septimus replied.
“At least we won’t have to worry about them.”
“Thanos, you have something to tell us?” Septimus asked as he turned to face the Archwizard.
“No doubt you’ve heard the rumors. The dragons have returned and they are more powerful than I had ever thought they would be. It gets worse, what is left of the Wizard’s Council has sided with the dragons and formed a Dragonwizard Council. The power that they wield is much more than it ever was,” Thanos smashed a rock in his skeletal hand as he spoke.
“As is the power that you wield, my friend. I’ve not seen you in action too often, but I don’t remember you being able to drain life force from an enemy like that.”
“The others are not the only ones who found dragons. Taleveth, the elder dragon, is melded to me. Though, he has seen better days.”
Do not presume to know what I have and have not seen, the dragon’s thoughts felt like daggers in his brain.
I meant no offense, Taleveth. You cannot deny that skeletal form is not as powerful as your true form, Thanos knew well the weaknes
ses that came with the skeletal form.
“Thanos?” Talia asked as she reached out to touch his arm.
“I misspoke, Taleveth is quite powerful,” he replied as he shied away from her arm.
“I was afraid it might come to this. We must find the tomes. They are the key to ensuring our survival. I had not anticipated the dragons would return in my lifetime, but I had a sinking suspicion that power would corrupt those in charge,” Septimus lit a small fire as he spoke.
“You know the location of the tomes?” Talia asked.
“Not specifics, mind you. There are plenty of rumors about how the tomes are littered about the Valorian Isles and possibly beyond. Our antics in town will make it much more difficult to procure the needed information, but I suspect we can find them together. They are a source of great power and the three of us should be drawn to them to some extent. For now, we must sleep.”
Thanos nodded as he chose his spot to sleep. He purposely kept his mouth shut when they mentioned the tomes. They didn’t have a great number of supplies, but it was enough for the three of them to put together makeshift beds. Septimus set up a small totem that would alert him if anything entered the cave and then retired to his bedroll. Talia, the only one unable to sleep, flipped through one of the few books she had brought from the Wielder’s library. Unlike the books that Septimus had, these books told little of things outside of Canai. The Wielder’s long history had never taken them far from Alamor and many of the populace of Canai didn’t know that the Valorian Isles existed. It was believed that the oceans stretched on infinitely. Septimus and his Warlocks were among the few that had visited the outlying islands, but none had ventured beyond the Valorian Isles in the east, the Gloomvale Isles and the Isle of Magic in the south, the Isles of the Dead in the west, or the treacherous icy waters of the north. There were rumors of islands in some directions, but none of the three could confirm nor deny their validity.
Talia looked down at the corpse that Thanos had taken hold of. Unlike the other orcs, this one had already decayed. His entire attack had been some sort of decaying magic that sapped the life out of it. She shivered as she thought about the howl that it had let out when the Archwizard grabbed hold of it. What sort of allies have you partnered us with? she thought as she looked over at Septimus. It shouldn’t have been a surprise to her that a Warlock would side with whoever was necessary, but it still sent a chill down her spine. She had taken a gamble that Septimus would choose the side of good in the end, now she was beginning to wonder if it was a smart move. Her father had taught her not to gamble unless the results were able to be manipulated, but what strings would she have to pull to bring the Warlock onto the right path?
Paul pulled back on the dragon’s reins, ordering the majestic blue creature to slow down. He had been sent to scout out the town of Alamor. The Dragonwizard Council had received reports that the town was considering joining the Holy Order. Paul was the natural choice for such a mission. As the newest member of the Wizards, he was not seen as trustworthy as the others. This better earn their trust, he thought as he patted his dragon on the head. It gave a small roar and dove down closer to the city. Both the dragon and the Wizard scanned the city and its surroundings. The rider could feel the dragon’s thought creeping into his head, but he pushed them away. Unlike the others, Paul felt it best that each member of the mindmeld keep complete control. He continued to instruct his resistant dragon that speech was for normal circumstances and thought communication was best reserved for emergencies. The two had argued about it since their meld, but Paul was the more stubborn of the two.
“Never has a human resisted the will of a dragon so,” Argos said in his slow rumbling voice.
“I am not a mere human like the others,” Paul replied before looking back toward the town.
It was strangely peaceful in Alamor. Unlike the Holy Order forces, the soldiers of Alamor paid little head when the dragons circled above. We should teach them to fear us, Argos’ thoughts poured into Paul’s mind. The Wizard grabbed hold of the dragon’s neck with both hands and sent an electric shot shooting through its body. Argos bellowed in pain. Paul’s hand slid back to the reins. He looked back down at the city one last time. His mind had been made up far before they had gotten this close. If the townsfolk hadn’t attacked them outright, then he would never figure out if they had sided with the Holy Order. His mission far from successful, an annoyed Paul commanded his dragon to return to the dragon tower. The name still annoyed Paul, even if the other Wizards didn’t seem to mind. He felt that it implied some sort of dominance over the Wizards. The Wizard looked up at the horizon as they flew south.
“Will I ever see her again, Argos?” He asked with a sigh.
“You humans are strange. If you wish to see her, what stops you?” The dragon asked.
Battles in the Dark
Leoth stood outside the cave with a handful of his best warriors. His scouts had easily found the most likely spots for anyone to hide. The aspiring Emperor had already checked the other four spots and now the cave was the only one left. He wrinkled his nose as the scent of orc filled his nostrils. Ugh, he thought, those foul creatures have returned. His men cautiously moved toward the entrance of the cave, hoping Leoth would take the lead. He sighed and stepped forward as he pulled his hammer off his back. The others quickened their pace to keep up with him as he entered the cave. A loud screech echoed through the cave, sending his troops running. He turned after them and snarled before opening his mouth to yell at them. His words were cut short when he felt something against his back. With a quick turn, he was facing his opponent. The man before him fit the description of one of the three magicians from earlier.
“We have no quarrel with you, Warlord. Leave us to our business and we shall leave you to yours,” Septimus said as he drew his staff back.
“Then you are not hostile?” Leoth asked, somewhat taken aback.
“Not unless you refuse us the tomes we are desperately searching for.”
“There are no tomes here that are worth my men’s lives. Do you seek a specific book?”
“We seek the Tomes of Magic and their trail led us here. Also, if you know of the whereabouts of the Staff of Kings, we are looking for that as well.”
“I know little of these tomes you speak of, but I have heard tales of the staff. It is possible that the books are located here, but the staff is not. You cannot take the staff without a sizable army, magician.”
Septimus let out a sigh and lowered his staff. Leoth glanced at the Warlock’s companions. The man with a half skeletal face gave him a shiver down his spine, but the female seemed out of place. He lowered his hammer to the floor as he considered the man’s words. It had not occurred to him that they were on the island for reasons other than trying to overthrow him. I must find out more of these tomes, he thought. The Warlock appeared to be weighing options in his mind. Leoth began to wish that Cassandra had come with him. He had always felt she had a cooler head for negotiations. At times, he wondered if she were more fit for leading than he. So much so that he had brought it up on more than one occasion. She always denied it, even though he knew it to be true.
“Perhaps we can work out a deal,” Leoth said.
“It is worth a try. We need an army, but what do you need?” Septimus asked.
“Not here, we will go to the Hall of the Emperor.”
“If you plan on calling yourself an Emperor then you might want to build a fortress. Since you appear to be lacking one, your hall will do fine.”
Leoth was unsure whether to be grateful of his suggestion or annoyed by his latter comment. He thought it best to focus on the task at hand, though it did make sense to construct a fortress. The newly styled Emperor motioned for the others to follow him. His men pulled their weapons as he exited the cave with the magicians in tow. A quick glance from Leoth had them scrambling to get their weapons sheathed. He smiled as he led the entire group down the path to the hall. The path branched off as
they got closer to Kellim. They took the road leading away from the town, which seemed to ease the nerves of the three magicians. For the most part, everyone kept to themselves. Leoth’s men were still wary of the outsiders and the others were lost in thought. The trek was slightly over an hour, but the silence did not end until the hall was in sight.
“That is your house?” Talia asked as she looked up what appeared to be an older style hall.
“Aye, that is where my wife and I live. It isn’t as glorious as it once was, but it has served our purposes well,” Leoth replied.
The others stayed silent as they got closer to the hall. It was mostly made of wood with a small amount of stone to reinforce it. It had thatched roofing that needed to be replaced in numerous locations. As they entered he main hall, they noticed that there were two other rooms. Leoth paused for a moment to allow the others to take in their surroundings. He would have much preferred their visit even as much as a month ago. The state of his home was not on the top list of his worries, but he was still slightly embarrassed. She’ll be here any moment, he thought as he looked at the door on the far end. There was no doubt in his mind that she wanted something greater for both of them, but he was sure that this was far from what she wanted. He grimaced as the door slowly swung open. Cassandra exited the door with a smile and whisked the group over to the largest table in the room.
“I am Cassandra, Leoth and I have been wanting to speak with the three of you,” She said as she took her seat next to her husband.
“Yes, your husband’s aspirations are quite surprising,” Talia replied.